Ok, so you have packed up this first time to Italy. Here are three things you really should know about Italian food.
1) Meatball Pasta has nothing to do with Italian recipes. Italians do not cook pasta with “meatballs” , although many Italo-Americans do. I know you are looking for a real Italian restaurant.
2) Pizza is not the same everywhere. In Rome pizza is thin and crunchy, while in Naples is soft and thick. We have pizza tonda (rounded), cut (cut from a big square pizza), by the meter (long and narrow) and so on. Choose your favorite and remember: the best pizza has buffalo mozzarella on the top and therefore is quite expensive.
3) Cappuccino is for breakfast. Of course you can have it in the evening or at night, but please do not ask for it. It’s almost a profanation to us.
So, what about a nice cup of espresso and ice cream instead?