
Tag: Italian food

It’s Christmas time..

This Christmas is no different from any other in that even this year our family will enjoy the dish which our friends who grew up in the homeland still distrust. The subject matter in question is Cremonese fruit mustard, a foodstuff often accompanying boiled meats (and particularly tongue).Although it is not a typically Christmas dish, for those of us who lived hundreds of miles away from our... Continue reading

Three things you must know about Italian Food

Ok, so you have packed up this first time to Italy. Here are three things you really should know about Italian food.1) Meatball Pasta has nothing to do with Italian recipes. Italians do not cook pasta with "meatballs" , although many Italo-Americans do. I know you are looking for a real Italian restaurant.2) Pizza is not the same everywhere. In Rome pizza is thin and crunchy, while in Napl... Continue reading
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