Easter is just passatama in our opinion, every moment is right to eat the Viscotta Sanfeliciana .
Don’t you know it? The Sanfeliciana viscotta is one of the many variations of sweet bread from the Italian tradition. A distant relative of the Tortoli from Terracina, with whom-it shares the tradition of being the typical Easter cake , it is one of the very few traditional flavors preserved in the Circeo and has survived contamination and invasions, not only culinary, to Which the promontory has been subjected over the centuries.
It can be Said That every family has its own “secret recipe”, but this year the Pro Loco of San Felice Circeo has spread on its website Pro Loco San Felice Circeo in recipe That we can define “official”.
Here she is.
– 16 EGGS
– 1500 gr. of SUGAR
– A glass of OIL
– Half a glass of anise
– 100 gr. of BEER YEAST
– 3,500 kg. sifted FLOUR
– A pinch of salt
1- Preparation of the yeast: mix 1,500 gr. flour with the yeast previously dissolved in hot water, get a soft dough and let it rest for an hour until it has doubled in volume.
2- Subsequently whip the eggs with the sugar until the mixture becomes frothy, add the other ingredients, mix and add everything with the yeast previously prepared and leavened (1). Add the remaining flour to the long-lasting dough. Moisten your hands with oil, take your dough and place it in a large container, let it rest overnight. The following morning, divide it into strands as you please, place them again until they reach twice the volume. Bake at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes.
But if you do not want to make your own food, there is no problem: the Circeo ovens will be able to satisfy your curiosity with their very special “viscotti”.