
Category: News

The tradition of Lucia, the Saint who brings gifts to good children

The tradition of gifts was born in the wake of those of St. Nicholas, Befana and the Infant Jesus and was consolidated in the 30s. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the settlers who abandoned their land in those years kept it live to date.Originally the waiting for the gifts was preceded by small processions of young people who walked the streets ringing a mass bell, calling the little... Continue reading

A little bit of Advertising

As always, for Christmas the Hotel Maga Circe closes its restaurant La Veranda to allow the family to spend the days dedicated to gifts together with the little ones… waiting to tell you what our traditions are , mostly of Lombard origin , we leave you with the New Year's menu and with the description of our services. We are waiting for you!NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL ONE NIGHT € 185 PER PER... Continue reading

Breakfast in Italy … and the Maga

As with any meal (indeed, for every dish!) There is a version linked to the region, the city and even the village, if not to the neighborhood, so even for   Italian   breakfast it is virtually impossible to draw a complete and unambiguous picture of the traditions of our country.Cappuccino seen on the terrace of the Circe sorceress However, there are fixed points: capp... Continue reading

Mid-August in the Italian tradition

The festivity of the Ferragosto is a wholly Italian peculiarity and is linked to an analogous Roman tradition , dating back to 18 BC. At that time we celebrated "the rest of Augustus" ( Feriae Augusti ), as a central event of the period of rest from work in the fields.With the upper hand of Christianity over pagan rituals, the August period is devoted to the veneration of the Madonna... Continue reading

The Italian Offshore Championship makes a stop in San Felice Circeo

The Circeo is the site of the debut of the new Italian Offshore Championship.Totally renewed to allow everyone to get closer to this sport that remains of the elite in the collective imagination, this year the championship organized by the Italian Motorboating Federation will be managed by an external promoter "One Agency," a team of professionals That deals with sports management and prom... Continue reading

It’s time to dive into the blue at the Circeo

Our pool is open!Also this year the sun has allowed us to be ready well in advance of the scheduled dates.Entirely renovated less than two years ago, the pool of the Maga Circe Hotel is the largest in the province of Latina, certainly the largest powered by sea ​​water . The sides are 22 by about 20 meters, while the height goes from 70 cm to over 2 meters. Along the side... Continue reading

The Cristo del Circeo: a story already 26 years long

Today's news, released by the Municipality 's official website , shows that the bronze statue of the Circeo Cruciate has returned to the promontory But what is the history of this statue?The statue was sunk on April 25, 1992 to represent, in the intentions expressed by both the Diocese and the Civil Authorities, the link between the Circeo and the Sanfeliciani. However, not all the Sanfe... Continue reading

It is always time for Viscotta

Easter is just passatama in our opinion, every moment is right to eat the Viscotta Sanfeliciana .Don't you know it? The Sanfeliciana viscotta is one of the many variations of sweet bread from the Italian tradition. A distant relative of the Tortoli from Terracina, with whom-it shares the tradition of being the typical Easter cake , it is one of the very few traditional flavors pr... Continue reading

Lots to do next week at Circeo!

There are so many events starting tomorrow for those at the Circeo. For our guests we have selected some initiatives among which the most interesting are: 12 JULY - Archaeological site "VILLA DEI QUATTRO VENTI" , Via Marco Emilio Lepido (about 200 meters from our hotel) TO THE SHADE OF CIRCEO !!!! ALL SATURDAYS FROM 19.00 TO 21.00 Tesori del Circeo awaits you with the friendliness of old fri... Continue reading


It was really an exhilarating experience to have our swimming pool and the beach full of children who explained to the cameras of  SERENO VARIABILE the activities that it is possible to do at Circeo for the youngest: surfing, SUP, Nature Club ... so many offers different to make children of all ages happy and with different needs.Thanks to Marco from Wind Surf Circe and Annalisa from Nat... Continue reading
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