

The Pool of the Maga is waiting for you

Pasquetta's bad weather didn't stop us! Also this year our pool opens to aprlie, well ahead of the official date of May 15th.Entirely renovated two years ago, the  pool  of the Maga Circe Hotel is among the largest in the province of  Latina,  certainly the largest powered by  sea ​​water . The sides are 22 by about 20 meters, while the height goes from 70 cm to over 2 meters i... Continue reading

Viscotta, the typical Easter cake of Circeo

Every town in our territory has its Easter sweet and in San Felice its name is Viscotta , one of the many variations of sweet bread from the Italian tradition. A distant relative of the Tortoli from Terracina, with whom it shares the tradition of being the typical Easter cake, it is one of the very few traditional flavors preserved in the Circeo and has survived contamination and invasions, not on... Continue reading

The Italian Powerboating Championship starts from Circeo

It is the first appointment of the season for the Italian Powerboating and for the second consecutive year the bolides of the sea make a stop in San Felice Circe.For this special event, our terrace is ready to welcome you to enjoy the spectacle of Yamaha and Honda sea racing cars in the front row.By calling our number 0773547821 it will be possible to reserve a table to follow th... Continue reading

Carnival at the Circeo

The Pontine Carnival makes a stop at Circeo on the morning of Sunday 24 February .Now in its tenth edition, the traditional parade of floats will brighten the promenade of our town in the morning starting at 11, and then reach the agricultural area of ​​Borgo Montenero at 2.30pm. The now traditional occasion sees the participation of various groups and associations from the municipalities... Continue reading

Christmas at the table in Cremona: boiled and mustard

As the first article dedicated to Christmas on the table according to the tradition of our city of origin, Cremona, we could not start from the dish looked upon with greater suspicion by friends who grew up in the land that welcomed us. We speak of course of the fruit mustard from Cremona , inextricably linked to boiled (and, in particular, to the tongue).Although it is not a typically Chri... Continue reading

The tradition of Lucia, the Saint who brings gifts to good children

The tradition of gifts was born in the wake of those of St. Nicholas, Befana and the Infant Jesus and was consolidated in the 30s. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the settlers who abandoned their land in those years kept it live to date.Originally the waiting for the gifts was preceded by small processions of young people who walked the streets ringing a mass bell, calling the little... Continue reading

A little bit of Advertising

As always, for Christmas the Hotel Maga Circe closes its restaurant La Veranda to allow the family to spend the days dedicated to gifts together with the little ones… waiting to tell you what our traditions are , mostly of Lombard origin , we leave you with the New Year's menu and with the description of our services. We are waiting for you!NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL ONE NIGHT € 185 PER PER... Continue reading

The “clams of the poor”

The boom in “sea food” at the Circeo dates back to the 50s, when the demand for sea products grew by way of the arrival of the “VIPs”, in most of the cinema environment, recalled by the proximity to Rome and the possibility of building elegant and exclusive villas by the sea on the slopes of the promontory.Until then, in fact, the Sanfeliciani had looked with suspicion on the open sea... Continue reading

Breakfast in Italy … and the Maga

As with any meal (indeed, for every dish!) There is a version linked to the region, the city and even the village, if not to the neighborhood, so even for   Italian   breakfast it is virtually impossible to draw a complete and unambiguous picture of the traditions of our country.Cappuccino seen on the terrace of the Circe sorceress However, there are fixed points: capp... Continue reading

Mid-August in the Italian tradition

The festivity of the Ferragosto is a wholly Italian peculiarity and is linked to an analogous Roman tradition , dating back to 18 BC. At that time we celebrated "the rest of Augustus" ( Feriae Augusti ), as a central event of the period of rest from work in the fields.With the upper hand of Christianity over pagan rituals, the August period is devoted to the veneration of the Madonna... Continue reading
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