It was time! After a winding path between appeals and sentences, it seems to lack very little to the public opening of the marvelous Roman villa which is immediately outside the walls of the historic center of San Felice Circeo, which we hope will become a strong cultural attractor for our country.
” Villa dei Quattro Venti “, where according to the Vulgate Marco Emilio Lepido would have retired after the seizure of power by Ottaviano Augusto, is a rich building of which impressive traces of vegetation remain.
The CIRCEI.IT website tells the history of this site with precision and numerous beautiful images. Villa or Sanctuary that has been in the past, the most important thing is that the Municipality has already arranged an agreement with the Youth Association of the place ” Tesori del Circeo ” which will immediately make itself available for guided tours. And considering that the site is less than 200 meters from our hotel we will certainly be among the first to line up to visit it!